Changes in schedules

Mikaela Moorman, Staff Writer

There have been several changes to the school district this year. Among them have been schedule changes. Most should know that there is no longer advisory before or after lunch but at the end of the day. Because of this there are only three lunch periods. Changing the schedule has had its ups and downs in just the first couple of weeks.

Having the schedule changes creates confusion for upperclassmen who have grown used to the old schedules. For sophomores, juniors, and seniors, they have always known 4a/4b 5a/5b schedules. Growing accustomed to the layout of the new one was a struggle. The printed schedule was an undertaking to understand the first day of school.

Freshman have come into high school with the already changed regulations. So it is a bit easier for them than the upper classmen. However, taking away a lunch hour has created crowding during lunch. I think most would say that having only three lunch periods that are shorter than before is not as easy and creates unwelcome gathering.

As a result of this schedule change, students can have 8th hour advisory that lets everyone get help from their available teachers. This is a huge upside to the schedule change for those who need help or don’t have a study hall, but the Media Center is easily filled during this period due to everyone having the same period off.