Man’s best friend used as a test subject

Jacqueline Krajefska, Staff Writer

The beagle is a very popular and friendly dog, owned by dog lovers all over. Not only is the beagle an excellent hunting dog and loyal companion, it is also a happy-go-lucky and funny dog. Beagles are loving, happy, and companionable, all the qualities that make them excellent family dogs. But just imagine that happy family dog being locked up and tested. 

In 2019, 4,314 regulated experiments were carried out on 2,626 beagles in the UK. All these tests were in fact approved by the UK government. The beagle is the most popular breed for testing because they are small and docile, and easy to manage when it comes to testing. Dogs are considered by researchers to be highly suitable for toxicity testing since they can handle this testing. When being tested, usually doses of chemicals are either force-fed orally or through a tube directly into the stomach or injected.  According to the “Beagle Freedom Project,” the dogs are killed by asphyxia (to avoid interfering with the information their bodies contain) after testing.

While locked in small cages, depending on weight, researchers use lighting controls to simulate day and night cycles. The recommendations also suggest that dogs should go outdoors for runs, a requirement under EU animal welfare directives. About 70,000 dogs a year are used in laboratory experiments and a great majority of them are beagles. On top of this US Marshall Bioresources group of companies, were able to establish a new breeding facility for 200 beagles at any one time near Hull in UK, despite public protests and celebrity outrage. 

Many dog lovers will agree if this were to ever happen to their dog they would be outraged. Too many dogs are a man’s best friend. Many dogs are used as therapy dogs, they are often used in the military or with police, or as a friend. Dogs are more than just an experiment; they are a best friend.