Maycee Hurt is Under the Spotlight

Julianne Wilson, Staff Writer

This week’s student spotlight at Jacksonville High School is Maycee Hurt. Maycee is 16 and a part of the junior class. Maycee can be found giggling in the halls and carrying around her tennis racket. This week I sat down with Maycee and asked her a few unexpected questions. Maycee has many radical ideas to change up the school. “…get rid of Crimson Time completely!” She feels that her time is being wasted as a red level student. She believes that time is precious and doesn’t want to waste any seconds chilling in the auditorium watching Elf. If Maycee was principal, she would make the absence policy less strict. Maycee, along with others, has had instances like car trouble and running late that lands them in the courthouse with a truancy problem. Maycee believes this injustice should live on no further. Maycee also appreciates the great teachers she’s had over the years. “They (teachers) should be understanding,” she said knowingly. Maycee shows many qualities of a good student. For example, she color codes and highlights her notes. This helps her to comprehend her studies. If Maycee was in charge of hiring and firing at JHS should would 100% hire Dave Ramsey. She thinks he’s extremely successful financially. Maycee thinks he could launch many young adults in Jacksonville into success. Next, we switched it up with a light hearted question. I asked, “If school was a movie what movie would it be?” She responded plainly with “Castaway.” When asked about fame, Maycee seemed completely uninterested and bored. Next I brought up the topic of peer pressure which she defines as “…something you don’t want to do but others say you should.” Maycee has dealt first hand with peer pressure. Finally, I asked Maycee to spill the tea. “Um, um, the vending machines are on during school hours due to the time change, turning on at 2:00pm.” Watch out, Michelle Obama, the machines are going to get us!