Crimson J

  • "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." --Malcolm X
  • "Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it." - John Hersey
  • "If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be."

Vigardie Kimana, Staff Writer

In the words of our queen, Queen Charlotte, “Sorrows, Sorrows, Prayers” if you have not yet met the talented, wonderful, self-proclaimed fashionista: Vigardie Kimana. If eating millions of pudding cups was a sport, Vigardie would win first place every single time. “I am only stating facts” as Queen Charlotte would say. Born to Congolese parents, Vigardie is fluent in French, English, and many other African dialects. In her free time, Vigardie writes, draws, hangs out with friends or family, as well as watches every Disney movie to have ever been made (progress made: ⅓ of the way done). A first-year Journalism student and 10th grader, V (Vigardie) has a tendency to be incredibly bold for no reason whatsoever, full of very dumb 15-year-old ideas, and constantly smiling or laughing. An extrovert, and professional procrastinator,  Vigardie  usually spends time trying to balance a social life, school life, and regular life with each other. V can be found during the day laughing with friends in any classroom, rocking some out-of-this-world outfit, eating millions of puddings in Mrs. Beard's class, or just simply drawing in Mrs. Bergmann's class. Vigardie is ready to embark on her first year as a writer of the Crimson J and looks forward to everything she and her wonderful, dedicated close friend Justin Schroeder will accomplish.

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Vigardie Kimana