Crimson J

  • "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today." --Malcolm X
  • "Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it." - John Hersey
  • "If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be."

Rease Walter, Staff Writer

Rease Walter is a quiet yet active person. He likes to go out with friends and participate in a variety of sports. His current primary sport is swim and he is in his second year. He likes helping out around the church and participating in mission trips and charities when possible. In addition, he likes country music and long drives alone or with friends. Some of his favorite hobbies include going to the gym, cooking, watching horror movies and shows and hanging out with his friends. Rease is a junior at Jacksonville High School and is taking his first year of Journalism where he hopes to learn how to become a better writer and information gatherer. He plans to go to college but doesn't know what he wants to study; however, he thinks it will be something along the lines of engineering or healthcare. 

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Rease Walter