Senior year: Taking advantage of the opportunities

Grayce Lillpop, Staff Writer

When I was in elementary school, Eisenhower Elementary to be exact, I never would have imagined having the life I do now. Being a senior has made me realize and cherish so much already, and it’s only September of my senior year.

When I started out as a wee little thing in preschool, the foundation of some really great friendships was created and ever since then we’ve been through everything together. Being a senior will really make you think about how life is going to be once you step foot out of the comfy bubble that is “adolescence.” When you become a senior, you grow up and you grow up fast. Colleges are demanding applications and you start to spend your weekends on college visits; all the while trying to swallow the fact that you will no longer be surrounded by your favorite people. If you’re one of the lucky ones, you will go to college with your “bestie for the restie” and live together and create all new memories on this new journey in life, but it’s not always that perfect. But oh, don’t we wish it was?

Okay now this sounds super depressing, but there are some bright sides to growing up and being at the peak of high school. You get to look forward to new goals in life and to start fresh in a new environment. Leaving the town you’ve always known and have spent your entire youth exploring will seem like a tough pill to swallow when you move away. Now for me I am pumped to get out of town and see what else there is to see in the world; even if that’s just hours away however, my situation is a tad bit unique. I’ve grown up exploring the world around me, and have always felt like Jacksonville was just my “hub” not necessarily “home.” We are creatures who were made to move and experience all sorts of things, and I don’t feel that traveling and experiencing college is much different.

My outlook on senior year is one that can be summed up in this Dr. Seuss quote, “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” This quote encapsulates every emotion that has been racing throughout my head this year so far. I’m learning to take advantage of every opportunity. This is actually my life mantra. I’m learning to be more of a role model in EVERY aspect of life, even the invisible work, and to take the role I’ve been given as a “senior” and be the best influence I can be for the people around me.

Just like I said in the first sentence, I never would’ve imagined my life or even my personality becoming something so different than the me four years ago, let alone the me back in elementary school. I encourage change and I embrace every second of it. Being a senior may sound scary but believe me, it’s not that terrible. I am loving this new challenge and more importantly this new chapter in my life.