How to keep yourself motivated when senioritis kicks in

Abby Mitchell, Staff Writer

Remind yourself of your goals:

Take some time and write down both your short and long-term goals in life. Writing goals down on a piece of paper makes for a much higher success rate of achieving those goals. A study done on Harvard students said,“Three percent [of people] who had written goals [on paper] were earning, on average, 10 times as much as the other 97 percent of the class combined.”

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Give yourself a break:

Although this time of year seems to be busier than ever with projects, research papers, and finals right around the corner, it is important to give yourself some time to relax. Instead of just giving up whenever you feel like it, tell yourself that you’ll get one more paragraph done or do one more hour of research, and then you can watch the Netflix episode you’ve been dying to see.

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Beat the procrastination:

Instead of waiting until the very last minute to study for your test or writing your paper, help yourself out by doing a little at a time. By doing this, your work will be of higher quality so your grades will look better too!

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Look for motivation:

If you are feeling down about an assignment or task, looking up motivational quotes or videos may help inspire you to think more positively. Going into whatever you are doing with a positive attitude will help you to be more efficient and you may feel better about doing something you normally have no interest in.

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Be responsible for yourself:

Yes, we are all busy but you are still accountable for your own duties. Stop blaming others for why you couldn’t get your work done or why you failed your test, and consider what you yourself could have done to improve your situation.

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