Senior duties and clutter

Mikaela Moorman, Staff Writer

It is easy to get lost in the rush of freedom that getting ready to go off to college and more privileges of senior year brings. It is an exciting time but with it comes the stress of applying to colleges, keeping grades up, and other activities.  It’s easy to get lost in all of the glamour of graduating and the possibilities of new things that we often forget the responsibilities we have. Often seniors let their school work go later in the year; to prevent this, the answer is to be organized and focused on the end goal of what they want to reach.

Several ways to do this are to keep all assignments in an agenda and create set times when to work on homework and college applications. Others are having a schedule for the week for anything that has to be done. Folders and other sources of organization are great ways to keep the clutter of classes and any other papers from getting mixed together or lost, causing havoc.

Applying to colleges involves several different things for different colleges. Sometimes colleges want a personal essay, some might require a portfolio of recent work (art institutes mostly), others require just a regular application with references, but the stress of applying within the deadline or even applying at all is still there. Finding stress releasers and getting help from the counselor are ways to make this easier       

Over all, the main issue is cutting time out the day to get the necessary things done. Social life and extracurricular activities take over, and students often lose sight of what is most important, their grades and graduating.