Election of 2016

Austin Hale, Staff Writer

When the Election of 2016 ends in November, there is a 68.5% chance that Hillary Clinton will win the Election. But that leaves Donald Trump with a 31.5% chance to win in November. Hilary currently has the majority vote of 26 states and three states that are at a tie for both Hillary and Trump. That means Trump has the vote of 24 states. This means Trump needs the complete vote of those three dormant states to beat Hillary by election deadlines. The national percentage of votes show that Hillary sits at 46% national votes and Trump at 43% national votes. That being said 11% of national votes are undecided or have voted for a different candidate. The Third party members include Johnson who has 9% of national votes. The other Third Party candidate is Stein who has only 2% percent of the national vote! That’s below the “other” labeled candidates who sit at 5% of national votes, which is disappointing to Stein fans. The state of Illinois prefers Hillary Clinton at 45% to Trump who sits at 31%, disappointing for Illinois Trump fans. Johnson sits at 12% for Illinois which isn’t anything to worry about if Johnson is a third-party member; Stein sits at an impressive 5% for Illinois. People forget that there are other choices for the election even if they are Third Party members. The last known rally for Trump was on September 22, 2016, but it might not be the last Trump still has a chance to pass Hillary in the race. “Sadly, the American dream is dead. But if I get elected President, I will bring it back, bigger and better than ever.”-Donald Trump. The last Rally for Hillary Clinton will be on October 19, 2016, so that is plenty of time for Hillary fans to attend one of her rallies. “I think that if you live long enough you realize that so much of what happens in life is out of your control, but how you respond to it is in your control. That’s what I try to remember.” –Hillary Clinton