This touching new film has the entire theater in tears

Grayce Lillpop, Staff Writer

August Pullan, a fifth grader starting middle school at Beecher Prep, has a story unlike many others. In this film Wonder, Auggie Pullman has a rare facial deformity known as mandibulofacial dysostosis or more likely referred to as Treacher Collins syndrome although there’s no mention of it in the film. This movie takes viewers through Auggie’s first time going to middle school; since he had been homeschooled all his life, he has some concerns. His mother, Isabel Pullman, is also quite sceptical on the whole idea but eventually warms up to it as it is a great way for Auggie to experience the world. Auggie’s dad, Nate Pullman, is a very easy-going and fun character that Auggie loves to play Xbox and have lightsaber duels with. Auggie also has a sister named Via who lives in the shadow of her brother who always gets the attention, and she learns how to open up about her feelings about being so left out. Via rekindles a relationship with former best friend Miranda, which helps Miranda resolve some deep pain from her family troubles. Auggie makes a friend early on in the movie named Jack Will. Jack Will is a kid who stands up for what he believes in and that’s no exception when it comes to  Auggie. The two go through hardships in the friendship but eventually realize they are each other’s greatest friends and nothing will stand in the way of that. Auggie also encountered a bully, quite a few actually; one might argue the entire school was one big bully, but Julian Albans was one that stood out amongst all of them. Julian didn’t sugar coat his feelings towards Auggie; Julian was blatant about Auggie’s facial abnormalities and even had a gang of bullies with him to make him feel good about himself and what he was doing.

I found myself with tears streaming down my face while a big fat smile swept across my mouth. The happy moments were uncountable but so were the times I felt my heart shatter into a billion pieces. Overall this film has easily made its way into the category of my favorite movies of all time by bringing to the theater a relatable, touching film that rooted for the little guy who may look a little different than some people. This film celebrates people’s differences and brings awareness to the true goodness out there in the world if you simply decide to choose kind.