What dance really is

Anna Bezler, staff writer

Around the world, people have trouble defining what dance really is. Is it a sport or an activity? Does it actually benefit people in the long run? Dance is known as an art form where humans put movement to music. While that may be true, there is so much more to dance that people don’t always see. The blood, sweat, tears, and hours of hard work are all behind the scenes. There are so many different levels and styles of dance. One may call himself a competitive or a professional dancer, while others may be dancing just for an activity to keep them busy. There is studio dancing, street dancing, ballroom dancing, cultural dancing, and so many other styles that people don’t know about. Dance is a language. It is used to express emotions through the music, the costumes, and the movement itself. While dance may be one thing to one person, it could be something totally different to someone else.

Over the years, the dance industry has become more and more popular. People no longer just see dancers in ballet leotards at ballet bars. Now people can find dancers on the streets, in commercials, on huge stages with famous singers, on Broadway, and thousands of other places. Music has evolved, so dancing has changed as well. Los Angeles is now the main place where dancers who want to be professionals go to achieve their dreams. Dancers sign with huge agencies everyday to be sent to auditions. Former JHS student, Lauren Bezler, moved to LA a few years ago and became a professional dancer. She says, “Moving out to LA was the best decision I have ever made. I am always busy with auditions and jobs, but it has all been worth it. Dancing is what got me out here. I model sometimes, but I hope to do more jobs with modeling and acting in the future. Don’t ever give up on your dreams.” Dance has definitely changed her life, along with many other people around the world as well.